we’ve probably been there.

A podcast by First Moms Club.

Season 1

From baby-making to child-raising, each journey comes with its joys and challenges. Although every woman feels each experience differently, chances are we've probably been there. Join us as we share our stories on how we really DEALT and truly FELT every step of the way.

No BS, no judgment, and certainly no advice (from us, at least)!

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Meet my village leaders

Meet my village leaders

From sleeping to feeding, feelings to behaviours, motherhood does not leave anything unexperienced.

Although my villagers made me feel seen and heard, my village leaders taught me the tools and helped me understand how to navigate the challenges I have faced so far.

In my mind, when you find treasure, share it, so I would like to share these gems with you and hopefully enrich your journey in being a mom.

Iman El-Jed

Child Behavior Specialist & Family Conselor

Dr. Pamela Mitelman

Clinical Psychologist, Behavioral Sleep Medicine

Tanya Hobbs


Certified Perinatal Nurse, Birth Coach & Founder of The MTL Birth Co.

Jamie Cassoff

PhD, Experimental Psychology, Pediatric Sleep

Naomi Berkowicz


Registered Dietitian, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant