we’ve probably been there.
A podcast by First Moms Club.
Season 1
From baby-making to child-raising, each journey comes with its joys and challenges. Although every woman feels each experience differently, chances are we've probably been there. Join us as we share our stories on how we really DEALT and truly FELT every step of the way.
No BS, no judgment, and certainly no advice (from us, at least)!
Are you ready?
Welcome to the club!
Episode 1: Bringing Baby Home
THIS IS THE STORY of the beginning of the end of our old lives. The overwhelming love topped off with some hormonal imbalances equals bringing home a baby.
TAKE A SEAT with Tanya, certified perinatal nurse, birth coach & founder of The MTL Birth Co, as she uncovers some of the mysteries behind the different feelings and experiences when bringing a baby home for the first time.
Episode 2: Labour Day
THIS IS THE STORY of how birthing a child is so different and unique for every one of us. It’s certainly a trip, but no holiday.
TAKE A SEAT with Tanya, certified peri-natal nurse, birth coach and founder of MTL Birthing Co., as she untangles the knots of our labour stories. Labour is one of her favourite topics. She explains what happens in our bodies, with our emotions, and the different kinds of support we can count on.
Episode 3: To Morning Sickness and Beyond!
THIS IS THE STORY of how early pregnancy says hello with its friends nausea, vomiting, and extreme fatigue. The first trimester is like the lottery; you never know what you’re going to get, and if you’re really unlucky, you’re introduced to hyperemesis gravidarum.
TAKE A SEAT with Tanya, certified peri-natal nurse, birth coach and founder of MTL Birthing Co., as she identifies the reasons behind morning sickness and what can be considered red flags leading to possible hyperemesis gravidarum. She takes us down Bianca and Dyna’s journeys with HG and dives deeper into the condition and how it can affect not only your physical but mental health as well.
Episode 4: Sleep Survival
THIS IS THE STORY of how we got through survival mode and what we did to get some shut eye.
TAKE A SEAT with Dr.Pamela Mittleman, Clinical Psychologist, Behavioral Sleep Medicine and Jamie Cassoff, Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, Pediatric Sleep, as they take us through the many layers of newborn sleep and what are some tools we can apply to get a little shut-eye ourselves.
Episode 5: Understanding Gentle Parenting
THIS IS THE STORY of how we are tackling this generational change in parenting, trying to unlearn what comes naturally and relearn what we now know to be effective.
TAKE A SEAT with Iman El-Jed, Child Behavior Specialist & Family Counselor, as she explains the definition of gentle parenting and what it means in theory and, most importantly, in practice, in real life.
Episode 6: Feeling and Mourning a Miscarriage
THIS IS THE STORY of how we felt grief and guilt during and after we have lost a piece of ourselves, after a miscarriage.
TAKE A SEAT with Tanya Hobbs, certified peri-natal nurse, birth coach and founder of MTL Birthing Co., as she responds to the many ways we cope with the feeling of miscarriage. She explains not only what happens to us physically and when to seek help but also the possible repercussions a miscarriage can have on the future.
Episode 7: Rainbow Baby Plus One?
THIS IS THE STORY of when we stepped away from the storm to leave room for a rainbow to shine in our life with a baby after a miscarriage.
TAKE A SEAT with Tanya Hobbs, certified peri-natal nurse, birth coach and founder of MTL Birthing Co., as she comments on the different anxieties and fears we may have having children after miscarriage and growing our families.
Episode 8: Feeding- Breast
THIS IS THE STORY of what it was like to exclusively breastfeed, how long we did it for, the challenges and connections that will forever be in our memory.
TAKE A SEAT with Naomi Berkwowicz, Registered Dietitian and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, as she guides us through breastfeeding, the possible challenges, tools for navigating them, and the stigmas around the whole concept.
Episode 9: Routine
THIS IS THE STORY of the role routine plays in our lives and how sometimes it is hard to deviate from it and introduce flexibility.
TAKE A SEAT with Iman El-Jed, Child Behavior Specialist and Family Counselor, as she depicts the importance of routine in a child's life, keeping in mind life’s curve balls and the need for flexibility.
Episode 10: Feeding- Combination
THIS IS THE STORY of how we found a balance between breast and formula feeding that came with its advantages for mommy.
TAKE A SEAT with Naomi Berkowicz, Registered Dietitian and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, as she unravels breast and formula-feeding misconceptions. What does combination feeding mean for mom and baby, and what are the physiological reasons it could be beneficial?
Episode 11: Screen Time
THIS IS THE STORY of how different moms have different “rules” on screen time and sometimes you do what you gotta do.
TAKE A SEAT with Iman El-Jed, child behaviour specialist and family counselor, as she speaks about one of the most controversial topics in motherhood: screens. She takes us through the real impacts on children and explains precisely what to look for when it becomes an issue.
Episode 12: Feeding- Formula
THIS IS THE STORY of why we exclusively decided to feed our babies formula and how we feel about the stigmas around it.
TAKE A SEAT with Naomi Berkowicz, a registered dietitian and international board-certified lactation consultant, as she demystifies the stigmas surrounding formula feeding and explains where it all came from.
Episode 13: Sleep School
THIS IS THE STORY of when and how we decided to enrol our infants in sleep school so we could relearn how to sleep ourselves.
TAKE A SEAT with Jamie Cassoff, Ph.D., experimental psychology in pediatric sleep, as she gives us specific tools and knowledge to teach our children the gift of sleep.
Episode 14: Solid Foods
THIS IS THE STORY of how we attacked solid foods from purées to baby led weaning and all the mess in between.
TAKE A SEAT with Naomi Berkowicz, a registered dietitian and international board-certified lactation consultant, as she explains the different routes we can take to feed our children solids.
Episode 15: Fourth Trimester Blues
Meet my village leaders
Meet my village leaders
From sleeping to feeding, feelings to behaviours, motherhood does not leave anything unexperienced.
Although my villagers made me feel seen and heard, my village leaders taught me the tools and helped me understand how to navigate the challenges I have faced so far.
In my mind, when you find treasure, share it, so I would like to share these gems with you and hopefully enrich your journey in being a mom.
Iman El-Jed
Child Behavior Specialist & Family Conselor
Dr. Pamela Mitelman
Clinical Psychologist, Behavioral Sleep Medicine
Tanya Hobbs
Certified Perinatal Nurse, Birth Coach & Founder of The MTL Birth Co.
Jamie Cassoff
PhD, Experimental Psychology, Pediatric Sleep
Naomi Berkowicz
Registered Dietitian, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant